Place value up to ten thousands, 5th grade math game

This 5th grade math game will help kids practice place value of bigger numbers up to ten thousands place.
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  • Skills to develop:Children will expand their knowledge of place value up to the tens of thousands. As such they will review tens of thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and units places.
  • The  Kitten Race Game is a time-limited and gamified multiple choice activity that keeps learners engaged.
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Learning and practicing place value is a building block that is key to so many other math concepts taught in middle and upper grades. Place value is the base for advanced addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Place Value up to Ten Thousands game helps students review a dots on a multiplication chart to see if students remember which place has the correct value for each digit. This game is a perfect review for 5th grade students because so many operations in 5th grade rely on place value to be correct. After each question the next screen shows a two kittens in colorful race cars race to the finish line after every answer. If an answer is correct, the kitten with the blue car pulls ahead. If the answer is incorrect, the other kitten pulls forward. The player is trying to earn 3 stars. This math game is perfect for learning center rotations or for more practice at home. Read Less